Archivi del mese: febbraio 2016

La verità che nessuno riesce ad ammettere

Syrian demonstrators wearing the colours of army fatigues hold up red flowers for Valentine's Day in front of a portrait of President Assad, during a rally to show their support for their leader and the Syrian army in central Damascus on February 14, 2012. AFP PHOTO/LOUAI BESHARA (Photo credit should read LOUAI BESHARA/AFP/Getty Images)

Pensiamo di essere nell’era della comunicazione globalizzata, un’era in cui chiunque può avere accesso a qualsiasi punto di vista e può farsi un’opinione riguardo alla realtà che ci circonda. Ma non potremmo essere più illusi. La verità, la triste paradossale verità è che oggi più che mai la gente ha meno accesso all’informazione di 20 anni fa quando esistevano soltanto i canali tradizionali di TV e radio.

Prendiamo il caso della Siria e dell’assedio di Aleppo per esempio. Per anni le bestie di Al Qaeda (alias Al Nusra) e dell’ISIS hanno seminato il terrore nelle sue strade, hanno vietato usi e costumi, oppresso minoranze, decapitato oppositori, mozzato mani e gettato omosessuali dai suoi tetti. Ma i media occidentali ora parlano di Al Nusra come i ribelli, i moderati vittime della furia di Assad, evitando di dire che si tratta di Al Qaeda. Parlano degli ultimi anni come gli anni della liberazione di Aleppo. Parlano invece della conquista di Aleppo da parte delle forze pro-siriane come un mattatoio, di crimini contro l’umanità ecc.

La verità è un’altra: la Siria è sempre stata per millenni un calderone di etnie, nazionalità, religioni, culture e per poco i porci di Al Qaeda e ISIS sono riusciti a fare quello che neanche i nazisti avrebbero sognato, l’annientamento totale di tutti gli oppositori e minoranze che per secoli hanno convissuto. E vi dico un’altra cosa: Assad è sempre stato il garante di questa convivenza. Assad, anch’esso parte della minoranza alawita ha sempre difeso gli interessi di Alawiti, Drusi, Cristiani Assiri, Curdi, Sciiti, Armeni, Maroniti, Ismaeliti, Yazidi, ebrei e prima che la Turchia incominciasse la sua Guerra “by proxy” con la Siria perfino i Turcomanni.

Fate attenzione ai termini che i media occidentali usano sempre: Assad è un dittatore, il suo governo è un regime, la religione di cui fa parte è una setta, i suoi soldati fanatici o coscritti. Mai, dico mai, questi giudizi vengono discussi. Nessuno si azzarda a dire “Ma qualcuno ha mai provato a sentire l’altra campana?”. No, e il motivo è semplice: il giornalismo 2.0 del 2016 si basa semplicemente sul copia-incolla di annunci ufficiali dei governi occidentali. Le agenzie della stampa dall’ “altra parte” non vengono mai controllate, riportate e sono sempre sospettate di propaganda. Eppure, a mio parere riportare le parole un generale Americano ad una conferenza stampa senza alcun contradditorio a casa mia si chiama propaganda. Da quando la situazione in Medio Oriente è esplosa ho sempre cercato di prendere le notizie da fonti provenienti da tutti e due i fronti. Per esempio Rudaw (parte curda), SANA (governo siriano), Fars (parte iraniana).

In quegli articoli, di parte e progandastici ovviamente, leggerete quello che si vede dall’altra parte: la gente dei quartieri sud di Aleppo che giubila per l’arrivo dei soldati siriani, le soldatesse curde dell’YPG, ora alleati di Assad, che entrano nei villaggi occupati da Al Nusra guidando carriarmati, i battaglioni di volontari delle forze di liberazione siriane composti da tutte le etnie siriane che vincono e scacciano gli jihadisti dopo anni in cui venivano brutalmente e sommariamente fucilati, decapitati e bruciati vivi dai “ribelli moderati”, i villaggi sciiti di Zubl e Zahraa rimasti isolati per anni perché sotto assedio dagli islamisti e ora liberati, la rabbia degli abitanti di Aleppo nel vedere centinaia di islamisti di Al Nusra entrare nella città aiutati dalla Turchia per resistere all’assedio russo-siriano, tutti i gruppi ribelli minori che fanno accordi con i siriani con l’aiuto della mediazione russa (ormai solo Al Nusra e ISIS stanno combattendo contro Assad). Tutto questo non vi viene detto. Eppure basterebbe leggere riportare alcune di queste notizie per farsi un’idea piu bilanciata di quello che sta succedendo.

Nella foto qui sopra donne soldato volontarie orgogliose di combattere contro i barbari per la loro libertà. Se cade Assad molte di loro dovranno nascondersi dietro un velo, essere vendute come schiave o semplicemente uccise.

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Agent Smith, A human artefact

5231_17914_medHe introduced himself just as Mr Smith. Only after the first couple of questions Raj Patel understood that he was an agent of the Royal Bureau of Paranormal Activities.

“So, Dr Patel, I was told that you discovered a…” he read a paper that he has been holding in his hand for minutes “human artefact.”

“Sure. First of all, technically I’m not a doctor yet. I’m studying right now to…”

Smith waved the paper to sign he was not interested. He wanted to go to the core of it.

Raj put his hands forward and sat down on his lab chair.

“OK, yes it’s correct, what we found is a human artefact.”

Mr Smith continued to read: “A human artefact in an Early Permian Mesosaurus specimen of the Monteblanco pit”.

“Yes, correct.”

“And how likely is that?”

Raj opened his eyes in surprise.

“Not likely at all.”

“Zero?” he asked shaping his thumb and index in a O.

“Absolutely, no chance this can happen.”

“Then your measurements must be wrong.”

“No, that’s unlikely as well. We know that all the specimens from those strata are 250 million years old.”

“Then, we can talk about contamination. A lot of prankers in this country, aren’t they?”

Mr Smith recalled the circles on the fields in the 90s. An explosion of idiots that just wanted to appear in the Sunday edition of the Daily Mail first page.

“Not even that: you see, we opened the specimen ourselves. We split the stone in two with a hammer that…”

“And it was already there when you opened it. Who touched it after you opened it?”

“No one, I found it and then took it to the faculty. Only then I realised what was inside the Mesosaurus’ guts.”

“Guts searching”. Mr Smith googled it. Hundreds of videos of boffins opening fish in search of what these critters have had for dinner the evening before. Other fishes mostly but then the oddities: plastic bags, tampons, a 40W bulb, an AA battery and so on. You can find anything in the guts of those bloody fish. Disgusting.

“And what was inside this dinosaur?”

“Mesosaurus is not a dinosaur, is a marine reptilian genus closely related to…”

“Terrific. Enough of this gibberish. Look you are a nice chap, I can’t waste my and your time around these reptilian terms. I am not the Mulder and Scully-type you think I am. Although every single person in this country think I am like them, “I do not want to believe”. I just want to debunk what I’m presented.”

He sighed very deeply. He just hoped it was not going to be like when that old lady in Plymouth called the police swearing she saw a seaman on Sunday morning “eating his own face”.

“Now, how can we… er… how can you explain such an occurrence in your strada.”



“It’s inexplicable, basically. Unless…”

“Unless what?”

“Unless we accept the impossible, that men roamed the Earth in the Early Permian.”

“Yeah quite true. Impossible.”

It got him thinking for a minute or so then the palaeontologist said something that surprised him.

“Look I don’t want to appear in the Daily Mail tomorrow. I have a reputation to defend here. This is my final year of my PhD. Please do not let me say anything stupid.”

“You are my first Dr Patel. You are my first case in which the witness of an abnormal event – I prefer abnormal to paranormal – does not want to appear in the tabloids. This gives me hope. Perhaps this time I got something real to bite.”

They then moved to the next office, that looked more like an Amazon storage, just smaller. Racks and racks full of boxes and numbers. Raj went to section C, third shelf, specimen Y5D8. It was a wooden drawer. He pulled it out until 3 feet or so of a white plastic sheet were displayed. He then folded it and the fossil was fully exposed. It looked like a miniature cross between a lizard and a crocodile. Its body was following an arc like it had suffered a lot just before death or some sort of rigor mortis.

“Here is the content of its guts.”

Raj pointed his finger to the dilated tummy of the animal. Smith could not decipher anything of that intricate mass of ribs, hips and god-knows-what was there. Raj understood it and explained.

“This is the rib cage that flattened due to the pressure of the sediments, these are the hips and this is the content. You can recognise various small fish bones, ammonites like this one and that one. Everything is normal, we find these all the time. But if you look closely enough you see that rounded shape with all those spikes around the edge.”

“Right, so this small and insignificant rounded object that could be any shellfish made you think you found a human artefact in this dinosaur’s guts?”

Raj repressed anger and moved quickly to a desk where he took a LED lamp. He placed it above the specimen and almost pushed Smith on a side.

When the UV lamp switched on at first all the skeleton was shining bluish and it was difficult to understand the single parts. Then Raj pointed the lamp close to that rounded object. Mr Smith began to see something that did not expect at all. His jaw dropped. He could not believe his eyes, the UV light was able to highlight something written in a very familiar human alphabet. In few milliseconds all his year after year of mocking these abnormal cases collapsed like a castle made of cards. He saw himself like in a british version of X-files, just a bit more Monty Pithon style. He thought to himself: “Just how can I tell the journalist of the Daily Mail that we found in an Early Permian Mesosaurus’ gut a 21st century bottle cap with the unmistakable word PEPSI written on it?”

*No copyright on this, I don’t believe in it, I’m against it on principle, but I’m sure there are loads of decent people out there that if they were going to share this they will be happy to mention the author and this page.

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